Form: Virginia_Local_SITREP_Initial.html,Virginia_Local_SITREP_Viewer.html To: Cc: Subject: SITREP--- Msg: 00. Incident Name: ------------------------------------ AGENCY OVERVIEW 01. Sitrep Status: 02. Sitrep #: 03. Political Jurisdiction: 04. As of: 04a: Report Prepared Date/Time: 05. Emergency Type: 06. Brief Description: ------------------------------------ LOCALITY STATUS 07. Current Emergency Declaration Status: 07a. Date/Time Emergency Declared: 07b. Date/Time Emergency Terminated: 07c. Date/Time Declaration Rescinded: 08. Current EOC Status: 08a. Date/Time EOC Opened: 08b. Date/Time EOC Closed: 09. Government Offices Status: 10. School System Status (K-12): 11. Current Shelter Status: 12. Evacuation Status: 13. Additional Status Information: 14. Estimated Number Evacuated: 15. Areas Evacuated: 16. Amateur Radio Status: 17. Number of People in Impacted Area: ------------------------------------ CASUALTY REPORT 18. Injured: 19. Missing: 20. Dead: ------------------------------------ SIGNIFICANT ISSUES 21. Impact Summary: 22. Provide a synopsis of significant issues being faced by the locality: 23. Anticipated Issues: ------------------------------------ EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTIONS 24. ESF 1 - Transportation: 25. ESF 2 - Communications: 26. ESF 3 - Public Works and Engineering: 27. ESF 4 - Firefighting: 28. ESF 5 - Emergency Management: 29. ESF 6 - Mass Care, Housing, and Human Services: 30. ESF 7 - Logistics: 31. ESF 8 - Health and Human Services: 32. ESF 9 - Search and Rescue: 33. ESF 10 - Hazardous Materials Response: 34. ESF 11 - Agriculture and Natural Resources: 35. ESF 12 - Energy: 36. ESF 13 - Public Safety and Security: 37. ESF 14 - Recovery: 38. ESF 15 - External Affairs: 39. ESF 16 - Military Affairs: 40. ESF 17 - Volunteers and Donations: ------------------------------------ GENERAL 41. Additional Comments: 42. Prepared By: 43. Job Title: 44. Call Back Number: 45. Fax Number: 46. Email: ####### END OF REPORT ####### Winlink Express Sender's Call Sign: ####### END OF MESSAGE ####### ------------------------------------ Express Sending Station: Senders Express Version: Senders Template Version: